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The Recovery Playlist

We made a playlist! Well, you did. 


We asked our wonderful Instagram community what songs have helped you through your recovery, and the response was amazing. We added your suggestions to our new Recovery Playlist, which you can listen to in full on Spotify. Here's a taste of the final product: 

The playlist is a work in progress, so get in touch and let us know what's missing. 


Music can be such an important outlet in recovery. There are the songs that uplift us when we need it most. And there are the songs accompany us in the dark: the ones that help us to navigate painful experiences and sit with difficult feelings. There are the songs that express the inexpressible: the shades of experience that words can't quite capture. And there are the songs that remind of us of the people we love and memories we've shared, and inspire us to keep going.


It might be helpful to create your own playlists, based on the songs that you know will help you through more difficult moments. You could make playlists for different moods: one with happy, uplifting beats that might help you see some light on a particularly dark day, and another with more contemplative songs for when you feel you need to sit with your sadness. 


But in the mean time, we hope these songs will resonate with you. Some will lift you up. Some may make you cry (although we hope only in a good, cathartic way). All will connect you to a community of people who are all fighting their own battle - a battle that may not look too different from you own.


Music alone may not heal us (sadly in recovery, there's no substitute for therapy and a lot of hard work) - but it can certainly connect us, uplift us and help us feel less alone.


Let us know your favourite recovery songs. We can't wait for this playlist to grow as our community grows. 

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